What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are a decidedly unwelcome side effect of giving birth, and also of rapidly losing and gaining weight.

What causes stretch marks?

Your skin grows at the same rate as you do as you progress from childhood to adulthood.  However when you are pregnant your baby grows rapidly and you need to accommodate them, your skin does not keep up with the rapid pace of growth and so it stretches.  When the baby is born your skin is allowed to shrink back to normal, but the stretching has in fact damaged your skin leaving you with visible lines.

Women can gain anything from 5 to 15 kilograms when they are pregnant. This happens rapidly, not giving your skin time to grow with you, instead, stretching it.

The areas that are affected most by weight gain during pregnancy are you stomach and breasts as these are the areas that grow the most but often the thighs buttocks and upper arms are also affected.

Unfortunately, genetics play a big role in whether you will get stretch marks, usually if your mother had them during pregnancy,  then so will you.

Other types of stretch marks

Rapid weight gain will not only affect your health, especially if it is excessive, but it can cause your skin to stretch in order to accommodate your sudden growth.  Healthy weight gain can sometimes be necessary, possibly after an illness or in an attempt to properly nourish the body.

If the weight gain takes place at a slow and steady pace and is not excessive your skin should be able to manage the changes taking place.

The same principle counts for weight loss, not only is rapid weight loss unhealthy it will affect your skin in a similar manner.  The stretch marks will not be as severe as with weight gain but the skin needs to be allowed to reduce along with the weight.  Excercise will help maintain the skin if you are on a weight loss program.

Prevention and Removal of Stretch Marks


You should never allow your skin to dry out.  Properly hydrated skin will add elasticity which will slow down or even help prevent stretch marks.  You can help keep your skin hydrated through the proper use of moisturiser and also by drinking sufficient water throughout the day

Laser Removal

A highly effective and painless method of reducing the appearance of  is laser removal.

The process is quick, usually about 30minutes per session and you are able to continue with your life afterwards.  There is virtually no recovery time involved in having your stretch marks removed by means of laser treatment.

The redness of the stretch marks will all but disappear, leaving you free to wear that swimming costume with confidence.

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